Mrs. Susan Stein
I hosted a Poetry Club, every Wednesday, for 10 weeks. We tried many different types of poetry throughout that time slot, and had tons of fun exploring them. I hope you find some of them interesting.
I've just been to the site and read your poetry! You have done a lot of
thinking and a lot of creating! I liked the way you dealt with some
important issues, such as the environment, and I liked the way you were
able to laugh at yourself in the Inside-Outside poetry. These formats were
so widely varying, and yet you came up with terrific poetry for every one
of them!
I really liked the Seven Poems. Next year, when I work with first graders,
I think we will have to do Five poems! There are a lot of books, such as
Five Speckled Frogs and Five Little Monkeys, that I can read and then we'll
write poems. I think we will have to read your Seven Poems before we
write, though! Your poems will really help them understand what to do!
Thank you so much for writing and sharing your poetry.
Mrs. Nixon
Mrs. Nixon's Online Internet Project: Poetry
Inside - Outside Poetry first describes someone as the person he or she thinks other people might see, focusing on those things which they don't especially like. The second stanza then describes the person as the perfect boy or girl of their dreams.
My inside self and my outside self are
different as can be.
My outside self wears what's in style.
A face so ugly.
stupid, crooked smile.
Big, big feet
As smelly as can be.
My inside self is different as you will see.
I'm an athletic-football player
As small as a can
But, inside of me,
I'm a MACHO MAN!!!
By: Erik
My inside self and my outside self
are different as can be.
My outside self wears fat, baggy clothes.
Two feet like bear paws,
Elephant ears,
With lots of fears.
My inside self is different you can see.
A rad, awesome dare devil
doing stunts inside of me.
Filled with care, and a gentle person.
A lovely, lovely doctor,
That's what I'll be.
By: Andrew
My inside self and my outside self
Are different as can be.
My outside self wears metal, red, braces
And short is she.
With huge, brown, wide, eyes
It's just plain, old me!
My inside self is different
You will see.
My inside self is a tom boy,
Soccer player
With a twinkle in the eye
And beautiful, smooth skin
Running past the defense
By: Jaime
My outside self and my inside self
Are different as can be.
I hate my over-lapping teeth.
My face being hidden by
The straight, blond hair.
Wishing I could have brown, curly hair.
I dislike my great, big feet
But, that's not fair!
My inside self is different
You will see.
Taking ten showers a day
Spraying perfume on
Till people choke.
Make-up and make-up and make-up
Riding in a limo,
Being famous.
What a cool thought!
By: Kerri
My inside self and my outside self
are different as can be.
My outside self wears uncomfortable,
But, cool clothes.
Tiny freckles as dumb as can be
With crocked top front teeth
I think you should agree.
My inside self is different
You can see.
I'm not really uncomfortable
With the skin I wear.
Filled with kindness and much loving.
Running past bases in a baseball game.
Scoring a run
And just having fun.
All my friends
Think I'm funny.
By: Shaina
My inside self and my outside self
are different as can be.
My outside self
Has yucky bumps on my stomach.
Brown, knotty, curly hair.
Warm, cozy clothes
Small feet
that I can't bare.
My inside self is different
You can see.
A beautiful butterfly
fluttering around a flower
Filled with glee.
Pretty, kind and happy.
I feel sometimes
rather shy
Sometimes sad
and sometimes
feeling like I'm shy.
By: Meghan
In Candy Land the streets were pink and purple
Sweet, tasty gum drops hung
But when I walked in the rain forest
the tall trees were tubes filled with yellow honey.
Growing on them were green jelly beans.
The dirt was Reeses Pieces.
When I walked on them they
Smushed into peanut butter filling.
The streams were made of 7up
Fizzing and bubbling in your face.
They're surrounded by crunch bar mountains-
Tall and chocolately.
There were also gingerbread men fishing
for fish crackers.
Just when I got to the lollipop trees,
My big sister woke me up!
By: Erik
If I had a world all to myself
The worms would be gummy worms
And the dirt would be chocolate bars.
All the trees would be graham crackers
And the leaves would be made of green icing.
The clouds would be cotton candy and
The sun would be an over-grown M&M.
The grass would be green, jolly ranchers and
The water would be ice-cream.
All the people would be gingerbread men.
And no matter how much I ate
It would never fade away.
I'd never get a tummy ache.
By: Linda
This poetry pattern can be used to question anyone or anything. It can be rhyming or free verse.
Oh, Shark in the sea
Why are you sad
as can be?
Why can't you be happy?
Oh, my friend
This water is dirty
All the fish are dying.
I need a new home.
Can you help me?
I will spread the word
To clean up beaches,
Oil spills and such.
Thank you, so very much.
By: Erik
Oh, Tree!
Why are you so sad?
Why aren't you glad?
Did someone hurt you?
Oh, child!
I am sad because my family
has been cut down.
Nobody has hurt me yet!!
I have a solution!
We'll help stop pollution
By sending a note
To the President.
Plant more trees
and don't cut them down.
Then you will be able to grow
Help keep our planet safe
By cleaning the air.
Now I will have a good life.
By: Shaina
Doggy, laying down
Why do you have on a frown?
Why aren't you happy?
Oh, my friend
My owners have a cat now
I feel like I'm at wits end.
I know what to do.
I can help you through
I will play with you
By throwing your ball
Even if you're small.
It won't matter.
Oh, child
Thank you
My life will be so much better
With a friend to play with.
By: Jaime
Rain Forest
Rain Forest in Africa
Why do your plants look dead?
Why don't bugs and animals
live here anymore?
Hasn't this disaster been
here for almost a year?
Oh, my friend
It has! It has!
They cut down trees
They put me on fire!
Before I was destroyed
People came to admire.
How can you help me?
The world has changed
It's a different place
People are greedy
And building all over
Never once thinking about
What they have destroyed.
How can I help you?
I truly am not sure.
Writing, reading and
Educating is what I will do
To educate children like me
and like you.
By: Meghan
The point of this is to encourage imagery and careful word choices. The images are an instrument that the poet uses to express his or her intentions or feelings. Understanding the use of images means understanding the essential meaning of the poem. Think of images as useful "tools" that the poet uses in order to reveal or explain the meaning that is in the poem. The Poetry Pals Club decided to choose animals for their imagery.
When I am in my room
I am like a bunny.
Hopping over green bushes.
When I reach the end
The golden sun shines
On my brown fur.
By: Shaina
When I am in my yard
I am like a Cheetah.
Running and pouncing on my
When I am tired
I lay in the yellow sun...
And rest!
By: Shaina
I'm Like A Dragon
When I'm at home
I'm like a big, black dragon just
Kind of crawling along the cold floor.
I make snarling noises.
And when I get tired
I slither like a snake up into my bed.
All cozy and warm under my nice covers.
I fall asleep like I was dead.
By: Linda
I am like an angry boar stomping
All over the ground
When I get annoyed at someone.
I am like a mad dog drooling
All over your shirt when people get mad
at me.
When I am at school I am like a fish
Zooming across a river
Dying to finish my work
I can go home and rest.
By: Patrick
When I am at home
I am like a snarling, black bear.
When I play basketball
I am like a bear that has just been
Awaken from its winter sleep.
When I'm hungry
I'm like a bear that has ripped apart
a deer.
But, when I'm tired
I pounce into my gray cave and go gently
back to sleep.
By: Erik
I am like a worm slithering up and down.
I pop up!
I stay as still as the black night.
A bird comes to land on the ground.
It peeks at me.
I slither quickly away to the
outside of the trees,
for a rest
In the golden moonlight.
By: Kerri
Spots is a
Leopard Gecko.
By: Shaina
There were seven dancers
Dancing on a stage
The first twirled off
And fell in a rage.
The second one laughed
all through the day
The third was spinning quickly
The fourth danced in a play.
The fifth wanted a break
The sixth kept on going
The seventh was so happy
She was glowing!
By: Jaime
There were seven cats
Chasing a gray mouse
The first ran off
And jumped on my blouse!
The second one was really fast
The third one climbed up a tree
The fourth one had a blast.
The fifth one had to itch a flea
The sixth one was so cute
He decided to follow me.
The seventh one just disappeared from sight
But, he gave my mother a really bad fright!
By: Shaina
There were seven lions
Resting in the shade
The first one saw a hunter
And hid from his blade.
The second one jumped into a hole
The fourth one tripped over his own feet.
The fifth one wished he had a tub.
The sixth one was taking care of it's cub.
The seventh one ran right down the street.
By: Erik
There were seven Ninjas
Swing their swords.
The first wandered off
And play the piano chords.
The second got hit with a Ninja blade.
The third was jumping
And the fourth one's name was Jade.
The fifth wanted sushi
The sixth wanted his game.
The seventh one went on saying,
"It's just not the same!"
By: Andrew
The mist of the earth
Pushing against my cheek
Cooling my face
Green wet grass
trying to squeeze through my toes
To get fresh air
The graceful wind lifting my blond hair
to cool my sweaty neck
Nature speaks to me.
By: Kerri
The braveness of the wild
The slimy, slick skin of a bullfrog
Canada's slushy, blue waters
Where salmon run like leaves
Riding on a gust of wind.
The rain that makes paths of water
The spiky pine trees that are home
To so many critters.
The mist of the mountains
That warms your soul~
And my heart soars!
By: Andrew
The lighthouse beaming across
the ocean's surf
Waterfalls trickling down the
large rocks.
Maine's mountains in the misty
The farmer's fields swaying
back and forth
When I look around
I see the frogs hopping
in the turquoise swamp.
I feel big about Nature.
It speaks to me.
By: Erik
A giant, triangular mountain
Sitting above a lake
Tall trees swaying
In a gentle breeze
Showing us life is here!
Squirrels romping,
Playing tag together
Back and forth.
Making Nature fun
All over again.
By: Patrick
The beauty of the beach
The clear, blue ocean
Filled with tropical
sea creatures
and trapping my feet.
The ocean speaks to me.
By: Meghan
The beauty of Nature
flows through the air.
Like the swaying of trees
And the laughing of children playing.
This is...
the beauty Nature holds.
By: McKenzi
When I fall asleep
I'm in Cyber World
Where frogs float on cars
And scientists invaded
Red, red, Mars.
By: Andrew
I wake up in my dream
But, how does it seem?
I'm on a stage on point
At a Broadway Show.
People are giving me gifts galore
And when my sister's try to get
People say, "Shhhhh!
We're listening to Kerri."
By: Kerri
I may be dreaming
But wouldn't it be great if...
...I'd be swimming in the ocean with all the tropical fish
and dolphins.
...I go up to shore and I see a turtle
just laying there like a rock. I go to pick
it up and then~
"Honey, it's time for school!" mom calls to me.
Goodbye, dream
I'll catch you another night.
By: Meghan
I've been awake for at least two hours
But finally, I'm sleeping.
I've fallen into this very neat world where there are:
...Tropical flowers and all kinds of lizards
A sweet scent of coconut juice fills the air
And then I see something
That makes me smile.
It's a baby dragon.
It wants me to play.
So, we play for hours
Then I wake up...
Look on my dresser
There's a note and it says,
"Thanks for the great time that
we spent together. It was so much fun.
Love your friend,
The Dragon."
By: Linda
Why are my dreams so freaky?
With things that are so creepy.
Slippery, drippy, creatures
They have such scary features.
Sharp claws, and teeth
Red eyes, glowing in the dark
Loud sounds that fill my room ~
Suddenly, a hand touches my shoulder~
I freak out!
Walking, really running now, through a
forbidden forest...
Was scary.
But, I realize now, it was only
A freaky, creepy, dream.
By: Jenna
In my bed I was Patrick Ewing. I did a slam dunk and Hit my head. I ran slickly through the court To the highest basket. Then I did a layout. Soon I was on the floor All tangled up in my blanket. No slam dunks~ Just my stupid, old, room. By: Erik
I may be dreaming,
but wouldn't it be great if~
...I was a soccer player.
When my mom tucks me in
I dream that I'm
On the soccer field.
The score is tied
4 to 4
The other team has the ball
I was the defense...
They kicked the ball.
The crowd was now on their feet.
My team had the ball now.
I could go on,
My eyes opened to the daylight
I saw my soccer ball sitting on my toy box.
By: Jaime
One night I went to bed and woke up on a beach instead. I could feel the water splashing on my feet I could see the water melting into the sand. The sun overhead shining on my back. I could hear the laughing of the children. My heart sings. By: McKenzi
Our classroom teacher, Mrs. Hill
Really knows how to thrill.
But, when she teaches us script
My hand feels nearly ripped!
By: Andrew
Our Preschool teacher, Mrs. Brandi
Made me feel very handy.
But, when she made us do circle time
I felt that it was a big crime.
By: Erik
Our teacher, Mr. Noodle
He really likes to doodle.
But, when his doodling comes alive
It makes everybody do a hand jive.
By: Kerri
Dancing Bear
Once there was a Dancing Bear
Who flew into the air.
I think she doesn't care.
So why did she fly into the air?
By: McKenzi
Winter The cold chills of winter, Animals scattering for food Bears hibernating in their cozy dens. Birds flying south for the winter. Children playing in the cotton, soft-like snow And the trees are cold and bare. Brrrr! By: Jenna
I stand at the ocean's shore My feet feeling the coldness Yet, the beauty of the movement of the white-capping waves Sing a song to the shore.
People coming Hand in hand to Taste the salty air And feel the power of The breathless ocean.
The emptiness of winter Peering out across dunes Of private homes~ I am wondering... Just Wondering Why the loneliness of This time of year Makes me feel so blue. ~Mrs. Stein |
If I Had a Dragon
If I had a dragon
It would be special.
My mom would say that it is not
My sister would ask,
"What will you feed it?"
I'd bravely say, "The cat!"
By: Erik
I sprang out of my messy bed!!
Ran to the living room
and scrambled through the presents
to try and see a shape of a Beebe gun.
I got so shocked because I didn't see
a single box shaped as I thought it might be.
(I'd only shoot cans!)
Maybe Santa thought
I was bad~
I wasn't
So, that made me mad.
Then my mom and dad walked out
of the kitchen
With a striped box
Shaped just like a Beebe gun.
Woooooooo Doffff!!!!!!!!!!
By: Erik
When I Go To The Moon
When I go to the moon
I will fly up
High into the sky.
I will stay there from
The day of light
Until the darkness of
the night.
I would get a chance to
The rough moon rocks
Craters and the USA flag.
Now, I will go home
Get snuggled in my bed
And fall fast asleep.
By: Jenna
Nature Is Clear To Me
The sand skimming across my feet
The water splashing on the sandy shore
A school of fish scattering to the ocean floor
A giant shark thundering through the water.
Nature is clear to me.
What's behind the couch...
a ripped up teddy bear,
balls of hair,
melted candy,
a wrench that might
come in handy.
A toy hawk,
another teddy bear
that could talk.
A tire from our car,
And lastly
a big silver bar.
By: Erik
When I Looked In My Desk
When I looked in my desk
A monster grabbed my
And he squirted me
With a plastic hose.
He wrestled with my thumb.
He is very dumb.
He zapped me with his eye
Then I heard his little cry~
"You're going to die!"
He's a green, bodied
Eye zapping,
Nose squirting,
Breath taking
Annoying, little
Monster that
His name is Shoot.
I'd like to shoot him
To Mars.
He even has a nick-name.
It is Lars.
He hangs out at bars.
You learn a lot when you
Look inside of your desk.
By: Erik
I can hear the rain
Splattering on my
Window pane.
I felt so frightened
Maybe my window
Could be tightened.
I walked to the
Window sill
Shut my window
And stood very still.
Now I can see the beauty
Of the rain
Continuing to fall
On my window pane.
By: McKenzi
Awkward apes avoiding
Ten army tanks in Africa.
By: Andrew
Seven snakes slithering slowly
Toward the soft sand.
By: Linda
Dangerous Dragons devouring
Delicious Desserts
In the dainty Dragon Diner
In December.
By: Linda
Terrible tortoise torturing
Ten tiny tarantulas.
By: Patrick
My Friendship is like...
Shining stars in the sky.
Pools of tears when you cry.
You never judge a person by her looks.
When I'm hurt
You always make me feel better, Courtney.
Best friends forever.
By: Jenna
You Guys Make My Day
You guys make my day
Because of all the things you say.
You guys care for me so,
It makes my heart all aglow.
Our friendship is like one million
rubber bands
Because God holds it
In his hands.
You dudes light up my life!
Joe, Erik, and Anthony
By: Andrew
You are like my right hand,
Like a penny in my pocket,
I'm almost always there for you
I hope you will do the same .
Together we are like
a red, white and blue pin,
A golden heart .
I could share my special thoughts with you.
You could light up an entire room
With just your smile.
You're my best friend, Amanda.
Friends listen to each other
Rolling along
We succeed in our friendship.
I'm longing to see you tomorrow.
Now that you know
I wrote this poem for you're my very, best friend in
the whole world.
By: Jaime
What My Friend Is
Your hair is like
the golden sunshine
When the biggest star shines
I know it's you.
The wind blows in my face and
I know...
It's you.
The splashing waves hit me~
It's you, again.
Your eyes are like brown,
yummy chocolate.
That's what you are to me!
My special, best friend.
By: Shaina
When I'm with you
I could share the things that
I feel.
When I'm hurt,
You can heal.
Sometimes, I am wrong.
But, you are still by best
When I cry
You're always there
To make me feel better.
When we are much older
And both die
We'll still remain
Best friends...
In Heaven.
By: Erik
You are like a star
Shining down on me.
Depending on me~
You always cheer me up
When I'm blue.
You're like a sister
To me.
Our friendship will never end!
By: Meghan
My Best Friend
You're like the sun shining
The wind blowing against
My face.
You make me laugh.
You're as pretty as a rose.
You have never let me down.
You are always by my side.
My best friend, Kaityln.
By: McKenzi
My Best Friend
You're my best friend
And you've always been there for me.
You've helped me through hard times.
You've been my light, you see.
Shining through the darkness
A rainbow that never fades away
That's why
I wrote this
Poem for you
By: Linda
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