Weather Reporting
March is a month of puddles, late snowstorms,
windy weather and early warm spells. March can be very unpredictable! The proverb
goes: March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. We are testing this
folktale! So far March has come in like a lamb. Now we have to wait to see if
it goes out like a lion.
Young children always enjoy learning about the
weather. It's important, it's familiar, and it's accessible--right outside!
Children can watch the weather forecasts and keep
a calendar of the daily weather.
You can always use the following links:
- Dan's Wild Wild Weather Page
- an
interactive weather page for young people.
- For Kids Only - Earth Science Enterprise
- from
NASA. Includes images, survey, and facts on earth science and weather.
- USA Today Weather
- AccuWeather, Inc. - Weather maps, satellite
pictures, doppler radar and current conditions for 1,000 U.S. locations.
- Atmospheric Optical
Effects - explains visual effects we see in the sky, such as rainbows, silver linings
in clouds, and sunsets.
- Bay Kids Weather Page - fantastic
ThinkQuest site where you can learn all about weather terms, myths, stories, jokes,
recipes, and much more.
- CNN Weather
- Earth Watch Satellite Imagery -
Satellite image of the United States. Updated every hour.
- Fall Foliage - the Weather Channel gives you
the scoop on where the leaves are.
- Fox Weather
- Franklin's Forecast - build your own
weather station, learn about today's weather technologies, or check the weather right now
at this fun site!
- Intellicast - Links, forecasts, and sources.
- Interactive Weather Maps - See
surface data and maps.
- International Research Institute for Climate Prediction -
IRI - here's how weathermen make those predictions.
- Kids' Lightning Information and
Safety - tips from a girl who was struck by lightning.
- National Weather Service Data - lists recent
earthquakes and tropical storms, forecasts, satellite photos and other data.
- NJ Online Weather - this cool weather site
gives the five-day forecast for many U.S. cities, not just those in New Jersey.
- On-line Meteorology
Guide - find information on storms, hurricanes, El Nino, and much more!
- One Sky, Many Voices - study extreme weather
events with middle school classrooms all over the country.
- Penn State University Weather Pages - Charts,
graphs, links, weather statistics and more.
- Safety Guide to Severe Weather
- safety tips for any storm!
- Sea Surface Temperature
Satellite Image Archive - Access the database and pick the images you want to see.
- Space Science and Engineering Center
- offers current satellite images of the world.
- Storm Spotter's Guide -
all about thunderstorms, tornadoes and other severe weather.
- Weather Almanac - check temperatures, learn about
different weather-related subjects, and find out how forecasters predict weather on this
site from Channel 7 News in Boston.
- Weather Calculators
& Algorithms - a compilation of Javascript programs that perform weather
calculations for humidity, wind chill, heat index, and more.
- Weather Channel - City/state
weather search.
- Weather Dude, The - Activities and links.
- Weather Glossary - reference
for all weather terms.
- Weather Instructional
Material - activities for elementary students to learn about the weather.
- Weather or Not - try to
predict the weather!
- Weather Underground - University of
Michigan - study weather with kids from all over the place.