Memorial Day Parade
The band is coming down the street.
The trumpets flash and shine.
The flag is waving out in front.
There are tingles up my spine.
Left. Right. Root-de-toot.
The bugles give the call.
Left. Right. Trum-de-dum.
The drummers march so all.
The leader blows his whistle hard.
He gives his stick a spin.
Then every horn begins to play.
There are goose bumps on my skin.
Left. Right. Beep-de-beep.
The Navy's marching by.
Left. Right. Give a clap.
An airplane zooms the sky.
See the Gold Star Mothers.
They're riding on a float.
And now the soldiers come in view.
A lump is in my throat.
Left. Right. Hup-two-three.
A rhythm's in my feet.
Left. Right. There they go.
My heart just skipped a beat.
~By: Blanche Boshinski
Day of Memories
This is a day of memories
Of loyal hearts, and true.
Of hearts that beat like our today,
Of hearts that loved, of hearts that longed
To live and sing, to work and play.
Now have come years of peace again,
Of lasting peace we pray.
Still may we honor in our songs
That loyal band who for our land
Died, hoping still to right its wrongs.
~Emma W. Little
EdHelper-Story comprehension, puzzles, story starters and borders
Memorial Day from Mountain Dragon
Kids Domain Salute to Veterans
General John A. Logan's Memorial Day Order
Memorial Day Poetry, Verse and Other Writings
Books to Read: (Buy at Amazon)
A Mom tells her son that there is a "big surprise" at
the Memorial Day Celebration. As the boy watches the parade, he asks if each
part of the parade is the "surprise" - from the marching band, to waving flags,
to children riding their bikes with red, white and blue streamers, and to
firefighters in their truck. Mother always tells him that the real surprise is
even more special. At the end of the parade, people stand and applaud. The boy
then sees his grandfather, a veteran, being pushed in a wheelchair. His surprise
is realizing that his grandfather is a hero.
young boy and his father visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial to find Grandpa's
name. What makes "The Wall" so moving is that instead of answering questions it
will get children to ask them. A great book to open discussion with the class
about war and it's consequences.