Mr. D's Class is a First Grade Class. Mrs. Stein's Class is a Second Grade Class. We have been book buddy's all year. Our classes read together every Friday afternoon and the "buddies" became friends.
All I can say is that each child brought something with them throughout the year to help the other. It was a very exciting time to see all the growth that took place.
As our final class was about to take place, we decided to end the year with poetry instead of reading together. What a great job the boys and girls did!
Thanks, Kids! We will miss all of you.
Mr. D.
Mrs. Stein
**If I didn't get permission from the parent to place poetry on this web, that child didn't have his/hers published.
Cinquain Buddy Poetry The Important Poem
Sweet, good reader, quiet She helped me when I was stuck on a word. Happy, peaceful, joyful, great Sunshine By: Michael |
Funny, cool, kind Michael helps me with words. Great, terrific, special Joyful, great Friend By: Courtney W. |
Shy, smart, handsome He always listens Stupendous, outstanding, joyful Neighbor By: Victoria |
Kind, smart, interesting When I got lost while reading, she told me where I was. Stupendous, special, amazing, glad Friend By: Emma K. |
Calm, talkative, shy When I skipped a page he told me to go back and read it. Peaceful, happy, nice, unique Comrade By: Joseph |
Shy, cool, funny When I read Mark always listened. Outstanding, terrific, joyful, unique Sunshine By: Melanie |
Calm, awesome, shy Whenever I read he listened. Joyful, fantastic, amazing, super Bud By: Joshua |
Quiet, cool, smart They helped me with words. Great, nice, happy, unique Pal By: Mark |
Quiet, good, wonderful He listens when I read. Outstanding, delightful, proud, fantastic Neighbor By: Melissa |
Smart, kind, quiet She helped me read better. Special, terrific, proud Bud By: Frankie |
Funny, talkative, shy with other people Tells me not to read so fast. Spectacular, proud, amazing Buddy By: Timothy |
Funny, nice, cool, Tim helped me with words. Great, nice, special, excellent Friend By: Carlos |
Cool, nice, smart He always listened to me when I read. Peaceful, great, spectacular, awesome Bud By: James |
Handsome, helpful, cool He always helped me with words. Outstanding, excellent, safe, awesome Friend By: Nick
Funny, smart, beautiful She helped me with words. Outstanding, happy, glad, stupendous Bud By: Cash |
Funny, helpful, nice He helped me read. Special, proud, glad, grateful Buddy By: Bethany |
Handsome, friendly, cute He told me to read with expression. Unique, outstanding, delighted, stupendous Companion By: Emma V. |
The Important Thing About My Book Buddy
The important thing about my book buddy is that sometimes he picks interesting books, and he reads with expression. He is nice. But, most of all the important thing about my book buddy is he picks interesting books. By: Dylan and Brandi |
The most important thing about my book buddy is he is the best book buddy. My book buddy can wait quietly. He never wants to stop reading. He is a good reader. But, the most important thing about my book buddy is he is the best book buddy. By: Philip and Michael |
The important thing
about my book buddy is he likes fairy tales.
She likes to read Mercer Mayer books. She reads with emotion. But, the most important thing about my book buddy is he like fairy tales. By: Brian and Michelle |
The most important thing
about my book buddy is we read and write very well and we choose
challenging books.
We both read with emotion. We make connections. We like non-fiction books. And we read very carefully. But, the most important thing about my book buddy is we read and write very well and we choose challenging books. By: Tara and Steven |
The most important thing
about my book buddy is we read well and with expression.
Deanna loves to read scary books. Jen is very nice to me. Deanna is a great detective. Jen loves to read mystery books. But, the most important thing about my book buddy is we read well and with expression. By: Jennifer and Deanna |
The most important thing
about my book buddy is we love to read.
We read good books to each other. We read funny books. Mary lets me even read her books. But, the most important thing about my book buddy is we love to read. By: Max and Mary |
The most important thing
about my book buddy is that she is sweet and friendly.
She's great at smiling. She reads with emotion, and she likes to read to me. But, the most important thing about my book buddy is that she is sweet and friendly. By: Taylor |
The most important thing
about my book buddy is she reads well, shares, and makes connections to
her life.
Kim likes to read cat books. Laura likes to read dog books. Kim shows me the pictures. Laura likes to read me books. But, the most important thing about my book buddy is she reads well, shares, and makes connections to her life. By: Laura, and Kimberly K. |
The most important thing
about my book buddy is she reads with emotion.
He likes to read true books. She likes to read fairy tales. She also likes animal books, like me. But, the most important thing about my book buddy is she reads with emotion. By: Christopher and Kimberly C. |
The most important thing about my book buddy is she can express herself when she's reading. My book buddy reads really fast. She doesn't have any trouble reading. She pays attention when I read. My book buddy helped me with a word once. My book buddy's favorite book is Clifford. But, the most important thing about my book buddy is she can express herself when she's reading. By: Kayleigh |