On February 13, 2003, the students of Canaan Elementary School experienced what school was like in the 19th century.  On that day all students were grouped with classes with students ranging in grades kindergarten to fifth.  Cooperative learning activities provided team building and students came away with a new perspective on Canaan.  


The staff worked on plans and activities for the day.  The choice of February 13th was not  without thought.  This date gave us a wealth of topics to explore.  In addition to the celebration of both Lincoln and Washington's Birthdays, February is Black History Month, the 13th is the one hundredth day of school and we have Valentine's Day on the very next day.  


Students will be reading stories, creating posters, writing and playing educational games.  When the day was finished the students experienced a vibrant day of learning, the teachers viewed instruction from a vastly different viewpoint and for this whole community the making of new friendships.

These groups will be intact from year to year.

I'm sure it was an enjoyable experience for all the kids. I know it was for the teachers.

By: Michael Ventura, Principal


Please read on for some students comments.

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