
1. If bullied, tell your parents.
    Telling is not tattling.

2. Tell a trusted teacher, counselor, principal, or have your parents talk to the school.

3. Do not retaliate or get angry.

4. Respond evenly and firmly or say nothing and walk away.

5. Develop friendships and stick up for each other.

6. Act confident.

7. Take a different route to and from school.

8. Avoid unsupervised areas of school.

9. Do not bring expensive items to school.





1. Encourage your child to share programs with you with the assurance that it is not  tattling.

2. Praise and encourage your child – a confident child is less likely to be bullied.

3.  Help our child develop new friendships – new peers can provide a new chance.

4. Maintain contact with your child’s school.  Keep a detailed record of bullying episodes and communications with the school.

5. Encourage your child to participate in sports or physical activity to improve self esteem.



1. Establish a bullying prevention committee.

2. Create a long-term anti-bullying plan and raise school and community awareness and involvement.

3. Use student surveys to determine if there is a bullying problem.

4. Involve parents in planning, discussions and action plans.

5. Establish classroom rules against bullying.

6. Create positive and negative consequences regarding bullying.

7. Initiate serious talks with bullies and victims of bullying.

