On March 1, 2002 we went to the  Yaphank Training Center .  We learned a lot about fire! 

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 Cash   Brandi   Oscar    Vincent   Kayleigh  Laura     Chris
 Brian James   Jennifer   Melanie  Emma V.   Melissa   Timothy    Taylor
 Tara Michael     Joshua     Emma K.   Zachary     Mary      Joseph   Philip  Jasmine



    What I learned in the firehouse is that fire is NOT your friend.  You should never fight fire, but when there is a fire in my house, I now know what to do.  We practiced what to do in the firehouse. 

By: Victoria


I went to the Yaphank Training Center.  It was fun.  Fireman Elliot showed us a melted phone, TV, top train and pan.  I learned that fire is NOT your friend.  I also learned never play with matches, cigarettes, lighters, and candles.

By: Laura


We learned  that it is okay to be afraid of fire.  We got to see a melted telephone.  It was fun because we got to jump out of a window, go into a tunnel, and shut a door with our feet.  It was very dark when we did the maize.  I hope we get a chance to go again.  Fire is NOT our friend. 

When a child is young and if there is a fire, just grab them by the shirt, even though they might say NO.

By: Cash


I went to the Yaphank Training Center on March 1, with the rest of Mrs. Stein's Class.  Fireman Elliott told us and reminded us many times that our job in a fire is to," Get out and stay out."  Never go back in.  He also told us that if there is a small child in the house to pick up him/her to get them out of the house quickly if there is a fire in your home.  Once you have the child just yell to your parents that you have your brother or sister.  One of the most important things that Fireman Elliott told us is that SMOKE is worst than fire because you can't see in it, it can poison you, it moves faster than fire, and it can burn you as badly as fire.

By: Tara


On Friday, March 1st, our class went to the Yaphank Training Center.  Fireman Elliott showed us some burned phones, and pictures of fires started by a two year old. He told us our job in a fire is to, "GET OUT AND STAY OUT!"  Fire is NOT your friend.  You shouldn't go looking for your pets.  We had to climb in a hot tunnel and kick a door closed and then climb out of a window.

By: Emma V.


We went on a field trip to learn about fire.  First we learned that fire ISN'T our friend.  A little later I got kind of scared.  There was an electric train that got all black and busted, just from the smoke from a fire.  Fireman Elliott showed us some telephones that became melted in a fire.  Later he turned off the lights and one person pretended to sleep on a bed, and the other  on the floor.  We had to crawl through a short tunnel and it was hot.  Then we had to crawl over to a door and kick it closed.  Then we had to crawl over to a stool, stand on it, and climb out a window.  We went to a mailbox which is a Meeting Place.  Fireman Elliott told us never to play with matches.  He also told us true stories about fires.  He showed us some doors that were black in one side and not so black on the other.

By: Joshua


I went to the Yaphank Training Center and we had lots of fun.  Fireman Elliott showed us burned doors and melted phones.  We did a drill.  One person laid down on a bed and another person laid on the floor.  Fireman Elliott flicked the lights and hid the bell.  Two then crawled through a tunnel and kicked a door closed, and climbed through a window. Then everyone met at the Meeting Place which was a Mailbox. 

By: Taylor


I went to the Yaphank Fire Training Center.  I learned never to play with fire, and not to jump out your window.  I also learned that fire is NOT your friend.  Fireman Elliott also showed us pictures and some melted phones.  He told us real stories.  He also showed us a burned up door.  On one side it was really smoky -burned and on the other side just a little smoky.  NEVER KEEP YOUR BEDROOM DOOR OPEN AT NIGHT!  We learned that  if your house is on fire you have to get out and stay out.  Never get dressed, get your pet, or hide in a fire!

He showed us houses that looked like they were blown up.  He showed us a poster of the picture, Back Draft, the picture was not correct.  It was just the movies.  He told us to never believe movies on TV.  I was a little scared.  He said you were allowed to cry.  He  also said that fire is terrifying!  When we went through a tunnel, he shut out the lights .  One person was on a bed and another one was on the floor.  The person that was on the bed rolls off the bed, goes through a tunnel, and slams the door.  Then he climbs out the window to a Meeting Place by the Mailbox.

By: Emma K.


I didn't go on the trip.  I was absent.  But, I do know what to do when a fire comes.  Always have a escape plan.  You should always have a meeting place outside your home.  Always go to your next door neighbors to call the Fire Department.  If you are on fire, Stop...Drop...and Roll!

By: Zachary


At the Yaphank Training  Center we saw a melted telephone.  We had a fire drill.  One person laid on a bed the other on the floor.  I learned one rule  about fire: Get out and stay out.

By: Christopher


On March 1, 2002, I went to the Yaphank Training Center.  We learned a lot about fires.  We learned fire is NOT your friend.  We saw melted telephones that were in fires.  It wasn't so scary when Fireman Elliott turned the lights off.  I  You should never light a candle and leave it alone and then go to bed.  Never play with cigarettes, lighters, candles, and matches.

Never play with something that has a fire.  It's okay if you're afraid of a fire!

By: Brian


There are a lot of things you should learn about fire and smoke.  Fireman Elliott showed us pictures of fire and smoke. He told us life is life.   You can not put a cigarette on the floor and step on it, or put it in an ashtray.  You need to put it under water to put it out.  We did a drill.  We had a child on the bed and on the floor.  We went through a tunnel and we kicked the door closed, then we climbed out a window.  We went to the Meeting Place.  I had a lot of fun.

By: Kayleigh


Last Friday our class went to the Yaphank Fire Training Center.  The first thing we learned was fire is NOT your friend.  Fireman Elliott showed us some burnt things.  He showed us some fire pictures that two year olds and five years olds started.  When you are in a fire you are allowed to cry and to be scared.

By: Melissa



At the Yaphank Training  Center we saw melted phones.  We even had to go on a bed or the floor to do a drill.  I was a little  scared.  There were two year olds playing with lighters and they started a fire.  I also learned fire ISN'T your FRIEND!

By: Brandi


I didn't go to the trip, but I know a little bit about fire.  First ~Fire is NOT your friend.  It is very dangerous.  You should sleep with your door closed every night.  You should always have a working smoke detector in your house.  If you ever catch on fire...STOP...DROP...ROLL.  Make sure that if you have any candles lit, little children should stay away.  

By: Mary


I learned never to play with matches.  Fireman Elliott showed us some burned houses.  There was a bed and a mattress in the classroom we stayed in.  You had to crawl through a tunnel in the dark.  There was a door that you had to kick to close.  Then crawl through a window and go to the Meeting Place.  Fireman Elliott showed us fires that started by a two year old, and from a five year old.  There was also a fire started by leaving a candle burning without someone being there.  He showed us some melted telephones.

By: Melanie


Friday, March 1, 2002, we went to the Yaphank Training Center.  Fireman Elliott told us that we can be afraid of fire.  It is alright to be scared.  Fireman Elliott turned off the lights and  I was lying on a mat.  My friend was on the bed.  When Fireman Elliott set off the alarm, we went through a tunnel, kicked a door closed, climbed through a window, and ran to the Meeting Place.

By:  Timothy


On Friday, March 1, 2002, my class went to the Yaphank Training Center.  Fireman Elliott told us about fire.  He showed us a melted phone, TV, and pan.  But, I thought it was a keyboard.  We had a drill where you're suppose to close a door where there was pretend fire, and get  out the pretend window.

By: Vincent


Today my class was at the Yaphank  Training Center.  The man taught us about fire.  Never light a candle by stuff because it can catch on fire.  He showed us a melted telephone.  When he turned off the lights, it was fun.  I crawled under the tunnel and bumped my head on the tunnel.  But, when I got out of the tunnel I closed the door and jumped up and reached through the window and it was over.

By: Michael


On March 1st we went to the Yaphank Training Center.  I learned that you shouldn't leave a candle around a lot of things.  I also learned that smoke is poisonous.  Then we did a drill.   One person went onto a bed, another on the floor.  Then Fireman Elliott turned on the smoke detector.  We crawled through a tunnel, and shut a door with our hands or foot.  We climbed out of a window to a Meeting Place.  We saw a melted telephone, and some pictures of fires started by two and five year olds.  

By: Jennifer


March 1st we went to the Yaphank Training Center.  I learned that fire is NOT your friend and Fireman Elliott, taught us that it is okay to be afraid of fire.  He turned off the lights and he did a practice drill.  One person went on the bed and one on the floor.  You had to go in a tunnel and shut the door with your foot and then you go out of a window to the Meeting Place.  You should NEVER play with matches or cigarettes.

By: James


I went on a trip to the Yaphank Training Center.   I learned some things about fire.  If you are in smoke, you can not see anything.  Don't stop and get dressed if there is a fire.  Don't look for your pets.  Don't call the Fire Department from your house, go to a neighbors.  Don't try to hide...the fire will find you!  Fire is NOT your friend.  It is okay to be afraid in a fire.  If there is a real fire, you have to go to your meeting place.

By: Oscar


I went to the Yaphank Training Center.  Fire is NOT your friend.  When it got dark, I went under the tunnel and shut the door.  I went out a window to a Meeting Place.  You should NEVER go back in a fire.  You should never go back in your house to call anybody.  You should go to your neighbor's house.  You should never play with fire.

By: Philip


I didn't go on the trip, but I do know about fire safety.  You should NEVER play with fire, or matches.  If you do play with those things, you could start a fire.  There is two kinds of fire, good and bad.  Good fire is like  cooking, barbequing, and fire in a fireplace.  Bad fire could  burn anything.  Sometimes good fire can be bad.  So always be careful.

By: Joseph


I learned some things about fire on our trip.  When there is a fire in your house then you should get OUT and STAY out.  When you have a bad fire in your house when you are sleeping, hurry up and get out,  before you get killed. Don't worry about getting dressed. Grab the kids on the way out.  Also what I learned is to not fight the fire myself.  Get out!  You need a ladder to get down to the floor if you are on the second floor, or you can hang and let go.

By: Jasmine



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