


Click on the name to see responses.

Mark Shelby






Title of Book/Author

Literature Log Response

Check MarkShelby 

       Grade 5



Recorded on:

 Feb. 23, 2004

Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Magic/Betty McDonald
















Double Fudge/Judy Blume

Mrs.Piggle - Wiggle's Magic- I liked how the book was separated
into short stories and I like how Mrs.Piggle - Wiggle always has these special potions that she makes.

This is a funny book and if you like
books about magic then this is the book for you because this book tells stories about kids that have like different problems like one of the problems that the kids have is one is a Heedless Breaker which if you don't know means a person who breaks like EVERYTHING! 

 Mrs.Piggle-Wiggle makes up these potions that cure the kids' problems!  There isn't really an ending to this book because each chapter is 1 short story, so this story is made up of a lot of short little stories.

In Mrs.Piggle-Wiggle's Magic I can't really relate to any of the characters.


This book is about a little boy named Farley Drexel Hatcher, but his nick name is Fudge!  Fudge has a Myna Bird that speaks a lot of English!  Fudge is also obsessed with money, he will do almost anything to get it!  Fudge's big brother is named Peter, but Fudge calls him Pete. He has a best friend named Jimmy Fargo and Jimmy's dad is a famous painter.  

This family always has fun!  One time the Hatchers went to a museum where they make money!  When they were in the gift shop they met their long lost cousins.  That family was made up of a mom, a dad, a set of twins, and a little brother.  That family called the set of twins the Natural Beauties, and the little brother's name was Farley- Drexel, too.  Fudge hated the thought of a little boy having the same name as him!   Peter's dad has a very funny nickname. 
That nickname is Tubby or for short Tub!

I like that when Peter's family is at the museum they meet their long lost cousins and the littlest cousin is named the same as Peter's little brother Farley-Drexel Hatcher
or his nickname is Fudge!

I can kind of relate to Fudge in Double Fudge because he is the little brother that kind of like always gets what he wants because I am a little sister.   In another way I am kind of
like Fudge because he likes money and I like money, too! 


Check MarkMark

Grade and State unknown

Recorded on:

 Feb. 25, 2004


Rowan and the Zebak/Emily Rodda
My favorite part of the book is when when the dragon of the mountain comes out.

The connection I have between Rowan and I are we are both strong in our own way. 

Rowan and the Zebak is a wonderful book, its got action, and suspense. It takes place in Rin and the cities of the Zebak. The ending will surprise you.

Check MarkBrooke

Grade 5              State Unknown

Recorded on       Feb. 22, 2006










From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler

 E.L. Konigsburg











I am on page 46.

My favorite part is when Jamie tells his sister that he gambles on the bus everyday.

Sometimes I felt like Claudia at home. I felt that everything was
unjust and that I was having to do a lot more work than everyone
else. It was very frustrating. I remember being very mad at my
parents and even thinking about running away a few times.





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