Discuss how the main character is like or unlike people you know. Pretend you're one character and introduce the other characters to your class. Invite one character to dinner and write a note of explanation to your mother. Make up five interview questions (with answers) for the main character. Explain what the main character would prefer for dinner and why.
Draw the setting of your book and explain it. How is the setting of this book and your neighborhood alike or different?
Comparisons: Compare your book with another book you've read. Describe an experience you've had that was like the experience of a character. Compare your book with a movie or TV show of the same kind.
Design a book cover for your book. Draw a comic strip of your book. Make a "WANTED" poster for the main character. With the help of some of your classmates design a bulletin board. Make a bookmark for the book.
Write ten discussion questions for your book. Make a tape and play it in the Listening Center. Write about if you were a character in the book what would you be like. Why? Tell the class about it. You may use props.
Write any kind of poem about your book. Write a different ending to the book. Keep a journal as you read your book: your reactions, thoughts, feelings. Write a five-line "easy" poem about your book: a noun, then two adjectives, then three verbs, then a thought about the noun, and finally a synonym for the noun.
List fifteen interesting words from your book and tell why each is interesting. Make a small dictionary for the subject of your book.