Let's Not Forget

June 20th, 2002


Let's not forget that Mrs. Stein

told us if we are ever stuck on anything

Just take her our and put her on our shoulder.

She'll whisper words of encouragement in our ears.


Let's not forget to use all those Steinisms!

And we'll miss you when school is over

And our class mother's, too.

We will always remember what you taught us.


Let's not forget the Walk-a-thon for Breast Cancer, and our Read-a-thon.

Let's not forget music, art, library, and gym.


Let's not forget the poetry that we did.

And Japan, too.



I loved the Talent Show, Mother's Day Tea, June 19th and the

Lunch for my teacher poems.

I hated gym because I hate getting tired.

I will never forget my teacher from Second Grade.



I will not forget my 25 friends, Biography Day.

The Talent Show, and the whole year through.

I'll remember the good times and the bad.

I'll remember the first spelling test and the homework

you gave us.

I'll remember the first day of school and

the last day of school.

Most of all, I'll miss you, Mrs. Stein,

But I'll come back and visit you.

Now I have one more thing left to say




It's Time to Say Goodbye

I will not forget The Mother's Day Tea,

The Holiday Buffet, The Talent Show, and our

tour of Patchogue-Medford.

And let's not forget Field Day.

For all these activities we acted as a Team!

In Second Grade we learned the qu rule, always put

u after q.

We also learned to never judge a book by its cover.

There are NO put downs in Mrs. Stein's class.

We did three reports this year on animals, a Biography report, and one on


The animal report I chose was a horse, Biography on Rosa Parks, and

on Japan I wrote all about Japan.

I will NOT forget any of the stuff we did in Grade Two.

Like the poetry we wrote and everything

else we did.

It is time to say goodbye.


Let's not forget what we did in Second Grade.

Holiday Buffet, Biography Day

Mother's Day Tea, and lots else you will see.

I will never forget what we learned~

New math, spelling, and new words.

I will never forget art, music, library and gym.

I had so much fun doing all these things.

I will never forget how much I love poetry.

I will never forget how many friends I made.

But most of all...

I won't ever forget my teacher in Second Grade!
Emma V.

Let's not forget Second Grade

And my loving teacher.

Let's not forget

Math and skills that I learned.

Let's not forget my classmates.

Let's not forget the things that we've done.

Let's not forget that you should never give up.

Let's not forget Steinisms that

Mrs. Stein taught us.

Let's not forget the wonderful books Mrs. Stein has read to us.

Lastly, let's not forget that we all love

Mrs. Stein!


Let's not forget the laughs that we shared.

Let's not forget the things that we learned

Like regrouping, chlorophyll,  and

working like a team.

I will never forget Biography Day and Field Day.

But most of all I will never forget my classmates.

I will never forget my friends, and Mrs. Stein.

Let's not forget about the rainforest.


Let's not forget the important things Mrs. Stein taught us!

Praise others. don't put down anyone and

if you listen carefully and try YOUR personal best you will succeed

in life!

Let us not forget the things she taught us to make

our writing sound better like...

Adjectives, capitals, understanding, punctuation and spelling.

Let's not forget the math Mrs. Stein taught us like...

regrouping, addition and subtraction.

Let us not forget the important...

Mrs. Stein.


Let's not forget all the things about the rain forest,

Japan, Biography Day, Mother's Day Tea, Talent Show

And all the Steinisms!

Let's not forget all the poetry like...

Cinquain, Five W's, Valentine's Day poem

The Money Poem, in which you can buy anything in the world,

Friendship poetry, the Alphabet Poem, the Important Poem

and the Mother's Day poem.

Guess I like poetry!


In Second Grade I learned a lot of "stuff"

Like math, singing at the Talent Show and


But also Biography Day, poetry, and writing stories.

But let's not forget the days we had spent together

and laughed!

But I don't think I won't forget the first day of school.

I just came into this classroom and...

Everyone was smiling at everybody.

Just glad to be the lucky ones to get into Mrs. Stein's class!


Let's remember all the songs we sang together.

We'll put everything in our brains and our hearts.

Let's not forget all the joy and laughter.

Let's not forget.

Let's try to reach for the stars

as Mrs. Stein said.


It's time to say goodbye to all that we have learned together


The Land of the Rising Sun, Japan's capital, Tokyo

So gorgeous with the orange sparkling sun setting

to rest for the night.

Doing the read-a-thon to raise money for

What happened Sept. 11th

So dreadful for what the terrorists  did.

Biography Day, so much fun

Dressing up and reading reports,

And just having a blast!

It's time to say goodbye to

classmates and Mrs. Stein.


Let's not forget our Second Grade class.

Japan, math, poetry, and doing a heading.

Let's not forget

Biography Day, Field Day,

The Talent Show and

all the books we read.

Let's not forget our

wonderful teacher, Mrs. Stein.

Let's not forget everything we learned!





I will never forget Mrs. Stein.

She taught us...

regrouping, and math

Gave us spelling tests.

They were fun.

And Mrs. Stein was fun, too.

I will never forget...

Biography Day, reading responses,

my classmates or my friends.

I NEVER liked school

Until I came to Second Grade.

Let's not forget what Mrs. Stein

Taught us.


Let's not forget the way the sun shines

down on Mrs. Stein's face.

Let's not forget the way she

let's us play our games.

And let's not forget studying

Japan, and singing songs for our mothers.

Let's not forget the help we got

for Spelling.

The way Mrs. Stein is always


Let's not forget, Mrs. Stein.



It's time to say goodbye to all the things

we did together.

Poetry reading and books.

Second grade will always be in my heart.

I'll miss my class and

I will miss the laughs we shared.

I'll remember Mrs. Stein


Let's not forget all the hugs and joke

we shared.

I'll remember my class and

even having spelling tests.

Mrs. Stein asked us to tell her the words we

wanted to spell.

Let's not forget the songs we sang to our mom's

On Mother's Day.

Let's not forget the Talent Show at

Saxon Middle School.

The song was called, Born to Make Music.

Let's not forget the love of Mrs. Stein

Michael W.


Let's not forget poetry and our classmates.

Let's not forget Mrs. Stein and math.

Let's not forget the Talent Show and Biography Day.

Let's not forget priority mail and Father's Day.

Let's not forget.


Let's not forget the Steinisms that

our teacher taught us.

Math , poetry or even writing stories.

Let's not forget the read-a-thon and walk-a-thon

And that my classmates are smart.

Let's not forget the priority mail box and

when our teacher was sick

I think we cheered her up!

Let's not forget the laughs we had together.

I'll never forget Biography Day.

We dressed up as a famous person.

Let's not forget the books we read.

And of course all the songs we sang.

I'll never forget, Born to Make Music!

Let's not forget Hat Day and our logo shirt.

Emma K.


Let's not forget the end of the year picnic

Field Day and our classroom.

I'll never forget Biography Day  and my friends

Vincent, and Cash.

Priority mail and some poems

will not be forgotten.



Let's not forget all the fun things

we have done.


Reading, math poetry, and reading books.

Let's not forget the learning

we've done


Japan, poetry forms, and writing workshop.

Let's not forget Mother's Day Tea,

Lunch with the Teacher, book buddies, and art.

And let's not forget

Our wonderful teacher

Mrs. Stein.




I have done a lot this school year.

I don't ever want to forget...

Biography Day Talent Show,

And Field Day.

I don't ever want to forget my teacher

Or fractions, adding or subtracting.

I will never forget Mother's Day Tea

The rainforest, and Japan.
