A blade of grass, a pine needle, a fern
frond, and a maple leaf are all leaves. Most leaves need light, air, and
water. Leaves contain green cells to make food for the entire plant.

Leaves look very different however.
Every plant has its own distinctive kind of leaf. Leaves help us identify
plants like fingerprints identify people.

Needle like leaves can be divided into two
groups. Needles can be attached singly to a stem. Other needle like
leaves have needles attached in bunches of two, three, or four.

Almost all other leaves can be grouped into
broad leaves. Broad leaves can be further classified by their pattern of

In palms, grasses, and other plants, the
veins run parallel to one another from the petiole to blade tip.

The branched or webbed group can be
classified into two groups--pinnate (featherlike) or palmate (fanlike).

In the pinnate group, the veins branch out
from the midrib like barbs of a feather.

The veins in a palmate leaf fan out from the
petiole and form a network of smaller veins through the leaf.
