to use the back button to return.
going into any link off of a page always do so with an adult helper!!!
Rainforest Site-We are excited to announce that The Rainforest Site is back
online and ready to help save the world's imperiled rainforest habitat. We
strongly believe in using the power of the Internet to help good causes, and as
long time environmental activists, we couldn't be more pleased to once again
make it possible for people everywhere to click the "Save Our
Rainforests" button and have an impact each day.
- EcoLink -
Tropical Rainforest -
site that includes an excerpt from "Colors of the Rainforest" -
the story of Wendee Holtcamp's first impressions of the tropical rainforests
of Australia (including some rainforest photographs). The site also has a
scientific essay on the effects of habitat fragmentation, other rainforest
links, and several references for books on rainforests.
- Rainforest Net
- more
links to rainforest-related sites.
- Tropical Forest
Research Centre -
function of the TFRC is to research Australia's tropical forest ecosystems
with a focus on developing an understanding of the interrelationships of the
ecological processes involved in the rainforest system.
- Australian
Tropical Rain Forests Home Page
- This page is designed to carry information about Australian Tropical Rain
Forests. In particular, it will carry information on the various projects on
plant taxonomy and biogeography included within the Cooperative Research
Centre for Tropical Rainforest Ecology and Management (CRC-TREM). These
projects include the development of interactive keys to Australian tropical
rain forest plants, the study of plant biogeography in Australian tropical
rain forests, and the development of a leaf atlas for Australian tropical
rain forest plants.
- Rain
Forest Aerial Tram
- The Rain Forest Aerial Tram is a unique ecotourism and research facility
which opened in October of 1994. The Tram takes visitors on a fascinating
excursion through the rain forest canopy and its hanging gardens of plants
and animals hidden at the tops of tall tropical trees. Home to two-thirds of
all rain forest species, the rain forest canopy is a little-known world of
tremendous beauty and extraordinary biological diversity. The site, adjacent
to the norther border of Braulio Carillo National Park, possesses one of the
richest canopy communities in the world.
- Rainforest Workshop
- A student and teacher run link to rainforest information on the internet
along with lots of their own rain forest projects and information - Marshall
Middle School, Olympia, Washington
- Ecotrust
- a private, nonprofit organization established in 1991 to promote
conservation-based development, beginning in the temperate rain forests of
North America.
- Montanas Verdes
- a site produced by a Dutch foundation who's aim is to protect the nature
and environment in the Ecuadorian Andes by integrating nature protection
with socio-economic development.
- Tropical
Rainforest in Surinam - a site including descriptive passages
of the Carib Indians, the rain forest, the epiphytes, and the Maroons of
Surinam, South America. With color photos and sound.
- Rainforest Action Network
- a site maintained by the environmental group that includes information
about their organization, Action Alerts, general rain forest information,
descriptions of their current campaigns and demonstrations, a Kid's Corner,
and ideas on what you can do to help.
- Rainforest
Action Network Gopher - a Gopher site run by RAN with articles
on rain forest conservation and environmental efforts.
- A Walkabout In The
Rio Platano Biosphere , La Mosquitia Honduras - This web page
is a result of an on going multi year photo documentary project, focusing on
indigenous cultures of the Mosquitia Rain Forests Paya, Miskito and Garifuna.
- Rain
Forest Screen Saver
- The sights and sounds of the rainforest can now help save your screen. The
Triazzle Rain Forest After Dark Display has beautiful graphics inspired by
the creatures and plantlife of the rain forest.
- The
Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve - Tree trunks totally covered
with plants, ephiphytes, ferns, rivers, and waterfalls, give testimony to
the harmony which reigns in these forests.
- Moody Gardens
- Experience the rainforests of Africa, Asia, and South America in our
10-story tall glass pyramid, with thousands of plants, butterflies, tropical
fish and exotic birds.
- Gaia Forest
Archives - Ecological Enterprises' efforts to aid in the
conservation of Papua, New Guinea and the world's forests, biodiversity and
indigenous cultures. Includes a searchable index of 2,000
forest/biodiversity conservation articles.
- Earthwatch
Biodiversity Survey - Dr. Marc De Meyer, National Museums of
Kenya. Kakamega Forest, Western Province, Kenya - Once forming part of a
rainforest belt stretching all the way to Zaire, this remnant tropical
rainforest bears an extraordinary species richness. Up to 20 percent of all
Kenyan plant and animal species occur only here, including 75 percent of all
- Another
Earthwatch Biodiversity Survey - Wings in the Rain Forest with
Dr. Larry Orsak, Christensen Research Institute
- Another
Earthwatch Biodiversity Survey - Brazil's Atlantic Rainforest
Wildlife with Alexine Keuroghlian. The effects of forest fragmentation on
peccary populations. Caetetus Reserve, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
- Wildlife
of the Amazon Rain Forests - A descriptive and photo
exploration of the rain forest inhabitants.
- Franklin Institute Science Museum
- visit the museum's Rain Forest exhibit, along with their other fun-filled
and educational scientific programs.