Algae - a small plant that doesn't have roots, stems, leaves or flowers, but makes its own food.



        Bulb- a large bud that is planted and which grows to form roots, leaves and flowers

        Carbon dioxide- a gas in the air that is used by plants to make their food


        Chlorophyll- the green colored substance in plants that absorbs energy from sunlight


        Cotyledon- the food supply in a seed for the young plant


        Deciduous - kind of tree that loses its leaves in autumn


        Dicot - a plant whose seeds have two sections


        Embryo - the tiny plant within a seed


        Flower - a part of the plant that is colorful and makes seeds


        Fern - a group of non-seed bearing plants that have roots, stems and leaves


        Fruit - the part of a plant that hold the seeds


        Germinate - when a seed starts to grow and produces a new plant


        Leaf - the flat, thin part of a plant that grows on a stem


        Monocot - a plant whose seeds have one section


        Photosynthesis - a living thing that makes its own food and does not move from plant to place


        Pollination - transfer of pollen from the stamen to the pistils of flowers


        Seed -  the small object within a fruit that will grow into a new plant


        Spores - the cells in non seed plants used to reproduce


        Tuber- the underground stem of a plant, where starch is stored.

        Picture 1