EMPEROR PENGUINS OF THE ANTARCTIC: http://www.hinklecreek.com/penguin/indexpenguin.htm Geared to second grade classrooms, this internet activity has students searching for facts both about Emperor Penguins and the Antarctic, answering a simple student worksheet. Teachers' resources include printable work- sheets, penguin life cycle cards, and penguin mask project directions and templates.

PENGUIN RESEARCH PROJECT: http://www.inwave.com/schools/Monroe/penguin.html 

Using a printable student worksheet and online resources, second grade students will choose two different types of penguins to research. They will then recommend one of their penguins for zoos, backing up their choices.

How to make penguin cookies


About Penguins

Ann's Penguin Resource Page

Cool Penguin Links

The Penguin On Line Playhouse

Kewl Penguin Links

Penguin 2000 Puzzle Game

Welcome friends to Mrs. Meisner's Class

Penguin Activities

Penguin Pictures

Color a Penguin

Penguins in Education ~ Age 6-10


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How to make Penguin Cookies

You will need...

Some Oreos (1 per penguin cookie)
Some Hershey's Kisses (1 per penguin cookie)
A plate to put the cookies on


Split the oreo into two cookies
Move most of the icing onto one cookie
Break the other cookie into halves
Open a kiss and put it on the cookie with icing to make a head
Put both of the half cookies on the cookie with icing to make wings


Penguin cookies are from this site: http://janelizzy.freeservers.com/funstuff/page_o_coolness.html