Meet the GREEN queen.
Sometimes she's a mean, GREEN queen.
She loves her GREEN gown
And her GREEN emerald crown.
The queen has GREEN eyes
Even GREEN in her skies.
She loves her GREEN trees
And the GREEN in her seas.
There is GREEN in her beans
A hint of GREEN in her jeans.
Her flowers grow tall on GREEN stems
And all her rings have GREEN gems.
She has the GREENEST, GREEN grass
And drinks from a GREEN glass.
So if you should pass
Her GREEN castle of glass
Wave your GREEN gloved hand
At her GREEN, GREEN land.
And the mean GREEN queen
Will be a keen, GREEN queen.
She'll invite us all
To the gala, GREEN ball
In the tall, GREEN hall
That's not very small.
We will eat GREEN apples and pears
And sit on GREEN velvet chairs.
So bid the GREEN queen goodbye
With the wink of your GREEN eye....bye, bye
The Bee is a YELLOW
He doesn't eat Jell-O,
Or say "Hello".
Just Buzz, Buzz, Buzz
Whatever he does.
And he's covered with YELLOW
fuzz, fuzz, fuzz.
He flies beneath the YELLOW
Until his pollen collecting is done.
And he really thinks it's fun, fun, fun.
He visits for hours.
Or buzzes around in YELLOW
If you should see that YELLOW
He might be eating YELLOW
banana pie.
Be sure to wish him a YELLOW
Good Bye...
Red is an apple
on a tree.
Yellow is the sun shining on me.
Orange is the umbrella
over my head.
Green is the leaf
on a twig.
Blue is the ocean
oh, so big.
Grey is an elephant
I like to ride.
Pink is the flower
I see outside.
Brown is a rabbit
in a hat.
White is white
and that is that!
What Is
White is marshmallow
And vanilla ice cream
And the part you can't remember
In a dream.
White is the sound
Of a light foot walking
White is a pair of
Whispers talking.
White is the beautiful
Broken lace
Of snowflakes falling
On your face.
You can smell white
In a country room
Toward the end of May