Happy, friendly, loving, helpful
Son of a very funny mother.
Lover of animals, drawing, and poetry.
Who feels lonely, a little bored, and sick sometimes.
Who fears guns, knives, and burglars.
Who would like to see my mom and dad stop fighting, Hawaii, and Egypt.
Resident of Long Island.
Empathetic, friendly, loving, kind.
Daughter of loving parents,
Lover of chocolate, dance, and piano.
Who feels caring, helpful, and happy.
Who fears spiders, fire and bugs.
Who would like to see Egypt, The Great Wall of China, and Hawaii.
Resident of Long Island.
Curious, loving, neat, shy.
Son of a busy dad.
Lover of spiders, animals, and poetry.
Who feels empty, cool, and hopeful.
Who fears speed boats, bullies, and guns. Who would like to see my Uncle
Sam, a movie star and a pyramid.
Resident of New York.
Buddha Boy
Happy, nice, funny, very helpful.
Daughter of a helpful dad. Lover of make-up, dancing, jewelry
Who feels empathy, sad, and glad.
Who fears tests, big spiders, and guns.
Who would like to see the Pyramids of Giza, the Antarctic, and Hawaii.
Resident of New York.
Kerri Berry
Happy, joyful, shy, love
Son of a great mom.
Lover of cheese, swimming, and bike riding.
Who feels great, scared, and helpful.
Who fears bees, cliffs, and guns.
Who would like to see Disneyland, the pyramids, and my mom and dad back
Resident of New York.
Nice, mad, caring, lonely
Son of divorced parents.
Lover of swimming, school, and TY Beanie Babies.
Who feels scared, sad, and glad.
Who fears monsters, guns, and knives.
Who would like to see California, my mom and Dad get back together, and
Resident of New York.
Helpful, friendly, kind, trustful
Daughter of caring parents.
Lover of reading, swimming and learning.
Who feels lonely, hopeful, and caring.
Who fears snakes, spiders, and guns.
Who would like to see Egypt, Hawaii, and my mom and dad getting back
Resident of New York.
Happy, loud, helpful, empathetic
Daughter of thoughtful, caring parents.
Lover of my Teacher, family, and Nature.
Who feels lonely, thoughtful, and caring.
Who fears losing my dog, losing my family and robbers.
Who would like to see Hawaii, Egypt and China.
Resident of New York.
Mad, hilarious, funny, friendly,
Son of a loving mom.
Lover of coloring, basketball and writing.
Who feels shy, nice and kind.
Who fears my cousin, Beebe guns, and knives.
Who would like to see the Sphinx, my half-brother and Hawaii.
Resident of New York.
Optimistic, helpful, quiet, happy
Daughter of loving and caring parents.
Lover of Nature, drawings and school.
Who feels lonely, hopeful, and happy.
Who fears scary movies, heights and asthma!
Who would like to see Egypt, Hawaii, and my grandfather again.
Resident of Long Island.
Mad, love, happy
Son of a fun father.
Lover of soccer, kickball, and skateboarding.
Who feels lonely, happy and nice.
Who fears spiders, the dark, and guns.
Who would like to see Egypt, King Tut, and the Pyramids of Giza.
Resident of New York.
Happy, friendly, kind, helpful
Son of a playful dad.
Lover of baseball, dogs and bike riding.
Who feels lonely, scared and hopeful.
Who fears guns, heights, and knives.
Who would like to see Egypt, China, and hawaii.
Resident of New York.
Optimistic, sorrow, happy, kind
Son of a driving dad.
Lover of sports, reading, and scary movies.
Who feels loving, kindness, and hopeful.
Who fears going outside alone, guns, and knives.
Who would like to see Egypt, Hawaii, and South America.
Resident of New York.
Happy, friendly, shy, loving
Daughter of a loving mother. Lover of cats, dogs, and reading.
Who feels loving, caring, and happy.
Who fears spiders, bugs, and snakes.
Who would like to see pyramids, Six Flags Great Adventure, and Virginia.
Resident of New York.
Happy, shy, loving
Daughter of loving and creative parents.
Lover of dogs, learning, and Nature.
Who feels happy, caring and loving.
Who fears losing one of my rabbits, spiders, and bugs.
Who would like to go to Disneyland, West Carolina, and Hawaii.
Resident of New York.
Kind, shy, funny, quiet
Son of caring parents.
Lover of Nature, drawing, and going on the computer.
Who feels lonely, hopeful, and helpful.
Who fears heights, scary dreams, and cobras. Who would like to see
Egypt, Hawaii, and The Statue of Liberty.
Resident of Long Island.
Cool, optimistic, faithful, loving
Son of strict parents.
Lover of Nature, lizards and exploring things.
Who feels proud , shy and joy.
Who fears violence, earthquakes, and heights.
Who would like to see fossils, a lion, Egypt, and my Grandma on Earth.
Resident of New York.
Funny, loving, playful, shy
Daughter of grouchy parents.
Lover of animals, reading and Mother Nature.
Who fears vampires, insects, and scary noises.
Who would like to see Egypt, Hawaii, and unicorns.
Resident of New York.
Loving, excited, happy, joyful
Daughter of an artistic father.
Lover of chocolate, dogs, and waterslides.
Who feels faith, hopeful, and joy.
Who fears spiders, heights, and being outside at night.
Who would like to see Disney World, Mt. Everest, and the Wall of China.
Resident of New York.
Optimistic, loving, kind, friendly
Son of a helpful father.
Lover of reading, playing, and writing.
Who feels helpful, serious, and caring.
Who fears knives, guns, and robbers.
Who would like to see the Great Wall of China, Alabama, and Egypt.
Resident of Long Island.
Happy, loving, joyful, kind
Daughter of loving parents.
Lover of puppies., swimming, and chocolate.
Who feels faith, hopeful, and joy.
Who fears spiders, guns, and knives.
Who would like to see pyramids, Hawaii and the Great Wall of China.
Resident of New York.
Kind, happy, friendly, helpful
Son of a happy father.
Lover of football, food, toys
Who feels lonely, happy, and caring.
Who fears the dark, guns and bears.
Who would like to see Egypt, Hawaii, and King Tut.
Resident of Long Island.
Happy, shy, excited optimistic
Son of caring parents.
Lover of drawing, riding bikes, and taking care of animals.
Who feels love, happiness, and sadness.
Who fears losing their mom and dad, guns, and knives.
Who would like to see Egypt, volcanoes and Hawaii.
Resident of Long Island.
Lonely, helpful, kind, joy
Son of a creative father.
Lover of children, coloring, and steak.
Who feels joy, lonely, and happy.
Who fears my brother, and the dark.
Who would like to see Egypt, Hawaii, and my friend, George.
Resident of New York.
Happy, mad, sad funny
A son of a happy father and mother.
A lover of pets, my whole family, and school.
I feel excited, helpful, glad that moved.
Who fears shadows, scary movies, and big spiders.
Who would like to see Hawaii, Disneyland and a shark.
Resident of New York.